Saturday 22 June 2013

A Sexy Salsa Summer

Another one of the many goals I look to attain, is now added to my weekly schedule for this summer - learning to salsa! As a man who likes to explore other cultures, I look to dig deeper into the Spanish life and what better to do so than getting sensual with salsa dancing. Take a night off, relieve any stress, find your inner self, embrace it and release it. Baila conmigo.

Participating in an open free salsa dance lessons is a great way to get yourself to start learning how to salsa. The instructors there teaches you the basics and progresses at a good pace for everyone to follow. A new pattern is incorporated with the basics every few minutes and everything you've learned is repeated throughout. By the end you'll be introduced to quite a bit but, you'll get the hang of it the more you do it of course. Everyone there is trying to learn and are doing what you are doing, so you'll feel welcomed and be at ease following the instructors. Be optimistic and and say 'Yeah, let's do this shit!'

Learning with a group of people is an enjoyable time. Ranging from young adults to the old, they're very friendly and sociable individuals looking to have a fantastic evening and improve themselves. For most of the lesson, you'll be paired up with the opposite sex and the women will rotate every couple minutes. A good opportunity to meet and dance with many people. Make the best out of your time, you want to have fun so greet with a pleasant attitude, make each other feel comfortable, take her hands and just twirl her!

Sometimes a random woman runs off the dance floor and you got no one rotating to you but that's alright, you just go to the bar, have some gin and tonic and take a break. This shit is tiring. Here is a time to meet and really talk with people taking a break also. Most of the women there are easy going and like to chat. Get to know one another, hear them talk about themselves and just chill. As long as you're not like Ralph Wiggum, then you'll be fine.

Ask them to dance after and you'll be back doing the fancy footwork and twirling, don't forget to twirl them

When the lesson is over that is where the dance floor is open for freestyle with the hottest latin songs playing, not the typical stuff you hear at clubs. This is where the people who are really good start swarming in, that and more people with skimpier clothing. 

It doesn't take much time before the place is flooded and the dance floor is completely packed. Right on time where I leave and do something else. I've already enjoyed my time with the lesson and the evening. Something I look forward for more! 

Monday 17 June 2013

Pleasures of Going Out Alone

It's been a long day, you've been venturing throughout the city, you did some pleasure reading, your writing material has been written, you've played the songs you know on the keyboard, there's already a few cups of coffee in you, all the meals have been eaten and you're still thinking of eating sushi, and... what? Oh, I shouldn't have more? Well, when I've done all that, sometimes at that point, there's not much that is better than having a glass of delicious cold beer... while sitting at the bar by yourself. 

I mean why not? I'm just enjoying myself with refreshing tasty booze while I take a rest and drift away in my mind. There's nothing wrong with enjoying things by yourself. If I wanted to hang out with friends, I'll do so. Sometimes, it's relaxing to do some things just by yourself. I'm comfortable being out in public alone. The big upside in doing this? You go and do whatever and leave on your own terms. You got no one else to worry about, no one but yourself, especially when you go to a bar where you can sit at. I'm my own man.

You'd feel awkward and weird going out by yourself, you say? Well I'll say this, you'll only feel that way when you present yourself as awkward and weird. If you're at the bar looking around the place, at the people, and fiddling around with your phone then yeah, that's going to be weird. It's weird even if you're doing that when you're there with your friends.

Not every bar is right for this. It's got to be one where you can sit at by the bar where there is a pleasant atmosphere. It's much better if there are TV's to watch where you're sitting as you take your time with a drink. That way you can catch some of the sport games that's on and not be a weirdo. Sure, you can do that by yourself at home or, you can be a boss and go to a bar where other sport fans are and have some sport talks.

The conversations with strangers, it's where you can meet people that share some of the same interests or learn of different ones. I'll tell ya, you can meet some of the most fascinating individuals. Either that or you'll overhear strange interesting conversations from people. It can be very intriguing hearing the things that people out there just blabber about. I'm a hockey guy so I can find myself having good hockey discussions with other hockey fans there. I'm simply having an enjoyable time.

Another aspect that makes this a better experience is where you get to know the bartenders. Bartenders are there to make you feel welcomed and happy. Making yourself well-liked and a regular will benefit you. If someone is giving you a bad time, the bartender who knows and likes you, will help you out. They are there to look out for you if you're in good terms with them. So, be sure to tip them well!

Also, don't listen to the stigma of going out by yourself, especially to a bar. It's all fabricated by those who are close-minded, ignorant, childish, and only follow the sheep herd. Perhaps they're scared or insecure about themselves to be alone. Don't listen to the rubbish. If someone is giving you guff about you being independent and living your life, tell them to go fuck themselves. I know if someone isn't leaving me alone after I tell them to, I'll confront the person and I don't even care how many there are at a time. Some people need a little reminder to stop the rubbish talk. 

I'm not looking for foolish games, I admire those who do things independently and don't care about what others think. I'll go get myself only a drink, sit there watching a game, maybe I'll read something, ponder and write some things down, listen to musicians play, or just chill and relax with a cold beer after a long day. I'll do my own thing and maybe I'll have to smack someone with my nunchuck to do so. Just kidding. Speaking of nunchucks, I have to order new pairs and start practicing again. I keep breaking them from wacking peop- I mean from practicing with them...

Sunday 9 June 2013

Why I Write

Images and ideas are created, memories are reconnected and developed within me before putting them into the words I write. Was this always done in the past? Not at all. It was as if it came out of no where didn't it? In fact it did, like a stealth ninja ambush if you may. I've acted like this nearly all my life, just put thought into it and you'll notice it. Like looking into a picture on a wall that is consistent and harmonious, you stare a little longer and then BAM! Here I am. You won't even know what hit you. I guess I can't help it, I just have the element of surprise in a strange unique way.

Ok, maybe not quite like this... all the time...

So, why do I do it? Why is it that I started writing and expressing myself to everyone things I have never shared with anyone before. There are many reasons so let's see what I'll share this time.

To start off, writing wasn't as welcomed by me in the past, in particular when associated with school work. In school you are made to write a lot and it sure helps you develop the skills and knowledge. I read material that is assigned, topics gets discussed and I write essays after essays. I was to do research about a certain matter and write pages of report of it. I sit in my room and dread looking at the blank page or finding what sentence to write next. Papers come back to me and marks aren't good usually. You can see why I don't like writing for school work. 

In high school, they make you read novels, Shakespeare stories and such. Then literary devices are talked about and you are to connect those with what you read in essays. Oh man, someone give me some sushi to ease my pain of even thinking about writing those again, that's how dreadful it was. Why? It's cause I have no care and interest about reading those, about the literary terms and putting them together in essays. Ok, I can manage reading and learning about the stories but, dammit I don't care about writing about them. I don't care about connecting pathetic fallacy and what-not in essays. They don't intrigue me at the slightest. And what happens when I write about things of no interest to me? Well, I get discouraging marks and the torture of writing those papers which makes me want to do this: 

I dislike what I had to write about and teachers didn't like what I wrote. Well, screw you and your education system of bull shit.

The contents that I wrote and shared not too long ago, I wrote them because I cared about writing those. I had importance in writing them and didn't go through agony doing so. They were matters where I wanted to put in time and effort to express. I write to write about things I care about. 

Questions and misunderstandings. I want to answer any questions I've encountered about me. There are those who want to know and I can have a hard time communicating the answers. I write to place an understanding of me. 

Stories, dreams, memories, and goals. I have so much of them bottled up inside waiting to be discovered and displayed. I look to find them and push them out with a purpose. I write because I have stories to tell. 

I am writing and will write everyday to become a better writer. There's always room for improvement and much to learn. I have no problem working hard at it and the passion is strong. It has become one of the many big goals I am pursuing. A goal 500 to 1,000 words will be written a day and the stories will come. My day is filled with activities to enhance my life and to soar higher. It's beautiful out and I'm flying with the wingtips!