Tuesday 20 August 2013

Eye Contact with Strangers

When you're out walking down a street, where do you look when you pass by people? You will probably you give them glances, maybe you look to the sides pretending you see something interesting, maybe you look down on the floor or just straight ahead as if you don't acknowledge the person at all. What about maintaining eye contact with a stranger as you walk by? Most people will feel awkward or discomforting when their eyes meet with another.

Prolonged eye contact has strong effects. It can be considered aggression particularly between two males. When two men hold eye contact with each other having a stare down, the man who looks away first can be considered the weaker man.

How about between a man and a woman? If the man makes eye contact and breaks it off first, it does display less masculinity. More so, if he looks straight to the ground walking by. Some men can have difficulty maintaining eye contact with random attractive women they see. This could tie in with the confidence of the person. Someone with social anxiety will have extreme difficulty in maintaining eye contact with almost anyone.

When I was a child growing up, I did have trouble with looking into people's eyes. It definitely made me feel awkward when I meet eyes with a stranger. As I got older it became easier for me. Now, I usually lock eyes with women especially ones I find attractive. If I sense that men are staring at me acting cocky, I sure as hell won't be looking down on the floor.

What women do with their eyes can tell how much interest they have in you even if you just are walking by them on a street. People like to look at attractive people and women are no different. Making eye contact makes you more attractive and confident. Not all women will give back a positive response though but, if you intend to gaze into eyes of women don't look away first. 

Generally, if a woman just gives you a quick look and looks away, there's no interest. If she holds her gaze with you for at least a few seconds then looks away, there's some interest. If she holds her gaze and does a double take where she breaks off first but almost instantly looks back at you, she finds you attractive and you caught her looking at you. If she smiles or even says 'hi' after maintaining eye contact then it's very obvious. You don't even have to be smiling when you look, just have a calm straight face showing you're not a threat.

If you have trouble with eye contact, work on it. Try it with people you know first and get comfortable with it. It builds confidence and benefits you in other aspects in life. Try it out on strangers in public holding gazes with someone of the opposite sex. If you're a man there's nothing to worry about, you'll be surprised at how many good responses women will give you. 

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